PROMIX® Stone Veneer Mortar
70 lb / 3000 lb
PROMIX® Stone Veneer Products are designed for superior performance with installation of lightweight manufactured stone materials. PROMIX® Stone Mortar is a pre-blended product using Portland Cement, Lime and well graded Masonry Sand.
This mortar is used for “buttering” or spread on the back of the stone. We recommend covering the back of the stone fully with out any voids. This mortar will conform to ASTM C-270 Type S specifications.
For each PROMIX® Stone Veneer Mortar 70 lb bag add even (7) pints of fresh potable water to mixer. Turn mixer on and begin to adding mortar mix to the mixer. If the material becomes to difficult to mix, add additional water until a workable mix of trowelable consistency is obtained. Note that the final water content should be from 7-12 pints per bag.
Variations in mix water amount, mixing time, curing conditions and finishing practices can cause color variations. Always follow the stone manufactured installation instructions.
Variations in mix water amount, mixing time, curing conditions and finishing practices can cause color variations. It is critical to maintain a uniform water to mix ratio. Do not strike joints too early or too wet. Do not retemper mortar by adding additional water. Mortar should be used within two hours of mixing. Try to keep the mixing environment consistent using a mechanical mixer and blending the mix for at least five minutes. The raw color of the unmixed product may not appear to match the final color. The mortar should be cured a full 28 days. Clean only with potable water. Colored mortar joints should not be cleaned with muriatic acid.